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Pickens County Open Records Request

E-911 / Fire & Rescue

General Open Records Request

The Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. §50-18-70) declares that public access to public records should be encouraged to foster confidence in government and so that the public can evaluate the expenditure of public funds and the efficient and proper functioning of its institutions. These public records should be made available for public inspection without delay.

Please return the form to:

Pickens County Board of Commissioners
Lesa J. Thomason
Open Records Officer
1266 E. Church Street #188
Jasper, GA 30143

706-253-8817 phone
706-253-8814 fax
[email protected]

Copying and/or administrative costs incurred may include copying charge of $.10 per page and administrative charges for search, retrieval, and other direct administrative costs, such administrative charges not to exceed the salary of the lowest-paid full-time employee who, in the discretion of the custodian of the records, has the necessary skill and training to perform the request. The requester is not charged for the first fifteen minutes of time.
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E-911 / Fire & Rescue Open Records Request

Please return the form to:

Pickens County Fire Administration Office
1266 East Church Street
Jasper, GA 30143

706-253-8944 phone
706-253-9002 fax
[email protected]

NOTICE: A written response to your request will be available within three business days as well as a statement of allowable costs.

The county may impose a reasonable administrative charge for the search, retrieval, redaction and copying costs for the production of records pursuant to The Georgia Open Records Act 50-18-71(c)(1).

If the estimate to produce the records is $25.00 or more, you will be notified in advance for approval. If under 25.00, compilation will begin immediately and you be responsible for any fees incurred.

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